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/ #teamSociate / New Year resolution time! Here are #teamSOCIATE’s goals for 2019
sociate goals for 2019

New Year resolution time! Here are #teamSOCIATE’s goals for 2019

It’s been a cracking year for #teamSOCIATE.


We have celebrated more wins than we can count – we blew out our 3rd birthday candles, won some big business, moved out of a business center and into our own HQ and grown (both mentally and numerically) as a team. We’re hungry for more and our aspirations are only getting bigger for the new year.


Rosa Bullock, PR Guru and Founder

I’d like four new members to join #teamSOCIATE and of course, as is always the dream, to secure Chanel as a client. You can’t major in fashion at university and not have that on your professional wish list.


Rabab Hussain, PR Director and Wizard of Comms

I make this work for me in PR but I’d like to turn down the office chat and zero in on my to-do list in 2019.


Tazeen Jafri, PR Executive and Storyscaper

I would like to master the art of balancing my marriage with my career in the new year.


Maryam Danagege, Arabic PR Executive and Game Changer

I need to sort out my to-do list this new year.
I want to curb my tendency to procrastinate and get more organized in 2019.


Sabrina Moutarde, Marketing Director and Digital Enthusiast

Learning and developing as an individual is my goal for 2019.
I’d like to end the new year with a qualification in digital marketing.


Reena Grewal, Marketing Assistant and Savvy Content Creator

I’ve spent too many nights browsing work emails in bed – 2019 is the year I get a grip on some work-life balance. Speaking of balance, I need to stop spending all my dirhams on takeaway coffee.


Nichole Miranda, Account Executive and Grass-fed Copywriter

In 2019, I’d like to breathe more. I blaze through my emails and work, from 9AM to 6PM, paying no attention to my breathing. This leaves me feeling like a tightly-wound rubber band ball when I leave the office.


How are you going to be a more awesome version of yourself in 2019? Tell us on Instagram at @sociate.ae. Also, watch out for the video version of this blog post, coming soon to an instastory near you ?

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