How personal values influence professional decisions
It’s a common notion that we’re different people at home and at work. You may have all the tasks crossed off your to-do list at the office but have a pile of undone laundry on your bed. You may be confident at the pub but timid with your colleagues and seniors. While the connection between your personal and professional persona may not be apparent, we all have a set of fundamental values that influence our decisions.
Studies show that 85% of employees are unhappy at the workplace. This lack of satisfaction could be caused by a number of facts (lack of motivation from line managers, meager salaries, hostile work environment) but an underlooked reason could be a conflict of values.
If your personal values are conflicted by your job, it’s likely to spark internal discomfort that will snowball into job dissatisfaction. If you love the great outdoors but your job keeps you bound to your desk, there’s a values conflict right there. If you like leaving people to organically make their own decisions but your job requires aggressive sales, you’ve got a values conflict on your hands. You can combat this by getting to know yourself.
Take yourself out to coffee and reflect on what drives you.
What are your personal and professional goals, and does your current job situation compliment them?
Take action towards bringing your personal and professional values into harmony.
At SOCIATE, we’re defined by our rock solid values. We ensure we’re always acting by them and have our core values printed on our wall. SOCIATE’s work ethic is dominated by the desire to be tailored and flexible. We’re a friendly bunch and if your brand is looking for some communications support, let #teamSOCIATE treat to you a free consultation over coffee. Drop us a line at [email protected] to get the conversation rolling ?